Entries by Martin Kalungu-Banda


The Significance and Magic of Slowing Down

Introduction Slowing down is an amazing way of creating conditions in which a system accomplishes what “it” is seeking to achieve in a faster and more effective way. By system I mean ‘self’ as in individual person, or a group of people or an organisation. For some reason, we have tricked ourselves into thinking about […]


How to work creatively with senior leaders

Introduction Between 8th and 18th March, I was invited to facilitate and engage with the top national leaders of Ghana on the subject of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management.  “Martin, you have to bear in mind that these are the senior most leaders of our country,” Winfred Nelson, the Co-ordinator of the African […]


How to revive the true spirit of Public Service

Introduction Zambia has won the Africa Cup! What can my country’s latest achievement in football teach us about how to rekindle the spirit of Public Service? Does it take more than politicians to inspire a country? What are some of the missing elements in our effort to attain our desired standard of living for everyone? […]


Book Review: The power of labelling: How people are categorized and why it matters.

Joy Moncrieffe & Rosalind Eyben (Editors) The power of labelling: How people are categorized and why it matters. Earthscan: London, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-84407-394-8, 189 pp. As the title aptly suggests, the book investigates and offers reflections on the impact of the labels (names) and categories we ascribe to individuals or sections of society or organisations […]


Listening as a Key Currency in Consulting

Introduction What is the most powerful currency for a facilitator? What really makes a facilitator a true helper? Since I began to consciously think of myself as an organisation development consultant, I have always wondered what qualities I need to possess to be considered a competent and effective helper. I tend to use the term […]