all of us at Wasafiri are pausing to remember those who lost their lives in last year’s tragic attack on the Dusit complex in Nairobi

There is much talk about spurring transformation of the food system globally and in Africa. About time.

This blog is the second of a two-part series on cross-sector learning – the first was about what business can learn from the development sector, and in this one I want to highlight two areas where the development sector can learn from business

We are increasingly uncovering hints of regional linkages and wider trends between VE actors across East Africa

In this first blog of a two-part series, I’m going to describe just a couple of the things that I think business can learn from the development sector

For one week in late September, it seemed all roads led to New York, to the 74th United Nations General Assembly (aka “UNGA”)

Transforming agriculture in Africa to provide sufficient nutritious foods, poverty reduction and economic growth is an essential task